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[科技创新和战略性新兴产业发展研究]Research on Integration Cluster Development of Strategic Emerging Industries in Hebei Province
发布日期:2024-12-02 21:51:26   来源:    字体:  

Research on Integration Cluster Development of Strategic Emerging Industries in Hebei Province


期刊: Frontiers in Economics and Management

作者:Xuegang Dai; Xinle Liu

单位: Hebei Software Institute, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China

摘要:Strategic emerging industries and future industries are the main position for the development of new productivity, which is conducive to accelerating the construction of modern industrial system. It has an important leading and driving role in the overall economic and social situation and long-term development. This paper applies the theory of industrial cluster and the development of industrial integration to analyse the status quo, problems and challenges faced by the development of strategic emerging industries integration cluster in Hebei Province. Taking Baoding strategic emerging industries as an example to put forward a series of solutions to promote the high-quality development of strategic emerging industries integration cluster in Hebei by adhering to synergistic development, developing and expanding the‘chain master’enterprises, and expanding the international influence.

关键词:Integration Cluster Development;Strategic Emerging Industries;development of new productivity

链接:Research on Integration Cluster Development of Strategic Emerging Industries in Hebei Province

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