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[科技创新和战略性新兴产业发展研究]Analysis of the impact of manufacturing servitization on the high-quality development of strategic emerging industries in Fujian Province
发布日期:2024-01-12 19:18:07   来源:    字体:  

Analysis of the impact of manufacturing servitization on the high-quality development of strategic emerging industries in Fujian Province


作者:Liu Chen


摘要:This paper deeply analyzes the impact of manufacturing servitization on the high-quality development of strategic emerging industries in Fujian Province. Firstly, this paper summarizes the theoretical basis of manufacturing servitization, including its concept and characteristics, and describes the development status of strategic emerging industries in Fujian Province in detail. Then, the relationship between servitization and industrial upgrading is discussed, and the role of servitization in promoting the innovation of emerging industries is discussed. By analyzing the cases of servitization transformation of typical enterprises in Fujian Province, this paper reveals the positive impact of servitization on the competitiveness of enterprises. However, the challenges in the development of servitization have also been identified, and corresponding strategies and recommendations have been put forward to address these challenges. Finally, this paper summarizes the impact of manufacturing servitization on emerging industries in Fujian Province, and puts forward suggestions for future research directions and policies. The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical and empirical support for understanding the role of manufacturing servitization in regional economic development, and to provide practical guidance for relevant decision-makers

关键词:servitization of manufacturing; Fujian Province; strategic emerging industries; Industrial upgrading

链接:Analysis of the impact of manufacturing servitization on the high-quality development of strategic emerging industries in Fujian Province

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