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[创新发展评估的系统方法研究]Critical inquiry on National Innovation System: Does NIS fit with developing countries?
发布日期:2023-10-07 10:34:56   来源:    字体:  

Critical inquiry on National Innovation System: Does NIS fit with developing countries?


作者:Weerasinghe R.N.;Jayawardane A.K.W.;Huang Qiubo

作者背景:School of Economics and Social Welfare, Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China;University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka;Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

期刊:Journal | [J] Kybernetes. Volume 52 , Issue 9 . 2023. PP 3064-3084

摘要:Innovation is not only a random or accidental process. It requires a deliberate and systematic approach to enhance the innovation performance of a country. The concept of the National Innovation System (NIS) has provided a valuable framework for organizing and fostering innovation efforts across individuals, groups, and organizations within a country. While numerous studies on NIS have been carried out in developed countries, contributing to their socioeconomic progress and shaping effective policies, there is a significant disparity between developed and developing countries. Researchers have recognized the importance of studying NISs in developing countries and have highlighted the need for in-depth investigations into system configurations to generate valuable insights for policy formulation.(#br)This paper presents a conceptual model for conducting NIS studies in developing countries, derived from a critical review of existing literature. The proposed model serves as a guide for conducting comprehensive studies within the unique contexts of developing countries, focusing on the central core of NIS. Moreover, this study opens opportunities for future NIS-related research by identifying specific subsections of the overall NIS that warrant attention, while acknowledging the limitations faced by researchers. By adopting this conceptual model, researchers can delve into various aspects of the NIS in developing countries, facilitating a holistic understanding, and enabling the generation of impactful policy recommendations. 

关键词:National innovation system;Developing counties;Networking relationships;Innovation performance;O30;O31;O32;M13


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