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[科技创新和战略性新兴产业发展研究]Advancing industry innovation with specialty optical fibers
发布日期:2023-07-21 10:33:12   来源:    字体:  

Advancing industry innovation with specialty optical fibers


作者:Andy Gillooly

期刊:Journal | [J] Kybernetes. Volume 52 , Issue 9 . 2023. PP 3064-3084

摘要:Gillooly discusses specialty optical fibers (SOF) which are rapidly moving beyond niche applications. Three emerging SOF application areas are likely to positively impact the lives of people within the near future: free-space optics (FSO) for satellite communications, fiber-optic current sensors (FOCS) for power-distribution networks, and shape-sensing crash test dummies to aid in designing better vehicle safety systems. FOCS are used throughout the Chinese national power-distribution network and are now starting to break out into the wider global market. Along with the revolutions in space and energy, people are seeing a huge disruption in the vehicle market with self-driving vehicles becoming a reality. 

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