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[科技创新和战略性新兴产业发展研究]Digital Cultural Industry's Innovative Development Research
发布日期:2023-08-18 10:32:04   来源:    字体:  

Digital Cultural Industry's Innovative Development Research


作者:Xinyuan Peng

期刊:Journal | [J] Media and Communication Research. Volume 4 , Issue 5 . 2023

摘要:This paper focuses on the examination of how digital transformation is impacting cultural industries, ranging from music and film to gaming and education. It considers the influence of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, and cloud computing, on the creation, distribution, and consumption of cultural content. The research investigates how digitization has revolutionized business models and fostered innovative strategies in content distribution, monetization, and advertising. Additionally, the paper addresses the broader social implications, encompassing shifts in content consumption habits, issues related to the digital divide, and data privacy concerns. Lastly, it underscores the role of policy and regulation in directing the future trajectory of the digital cultural industry. The aim of this research is to provide insights that can guide the sustainable and inclusive growth of the digital cultural industry

关键词:Digital Transformatione;Cultural Industries;Emerging Technologies;Hybrid teaching mode


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