Leadership and business model innovation in late internationalizing SMEs
作者: Ana Colovic
单位: NEOMA Business School, Mont Saint Aignan, France
期刊: Long Range Planning
Volume 55, Issue 1, February 2022, 102083
摘要: Drawing on the distinction between small-scale and large-scale business model innovation, and between directive and empowering leadership, we examine how CEOs in SMEs lead business model innovation during the process of internationalization. Building on eight cases of Japanese manufacturing SMEs, we develop a theoretical framework pointing to two different patterns in the articulation between CEO leadership style and business model innovation. We show that small-scale business model innovation led by directive leadership results in a timelier foreign market entry. However, in order to increase international sales, large-scale business model innovation is required. This is facilitated by an empowering leadership style of the CEO.
关键词: Business model innovation; Leadership; Internationalization;
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2021.102083
链接: Leadership and business model innovation