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Digital technology and domestic value-added ratio in export: Evidence from China’s pilot zones for integrating informatization and industrialization
发布日期:2024-09-18 16:37:04   来源:    字体:  

Digital technology and domestic value-added ratio in export: Evidence from China’s pilot zones for integrating informatization and industrialization


     作者:庞素勤 李昭华 王勇


     期刊:Economic Analysis and Policy

    Abstract:Accelerating the penetration of digital technology into industrial transformation is an important concern for developing economies that dedicate to achieve high-quality development of foreign trade. Regarding China's pilot zones for integrating informatization and industrialization (PZII) as an exogenous shock of digital technology application, this study sheds light on effects of digital technology on domestic value-added ratio in export (DVAR) based on fine-grained firm-level data covering 2002–2013. Our finding reveals that digital technology improves firms’ DVAR, and the results remain consistent after conducting a series of robustness checks and addressing potential endogeneity. The heterogeneity analysis suggests that digital technology exerts significantly positive effects on DVAR of processing trade rather than general trade firms, foreign rather than domestic firms, and eastern rather than middle and western firms. The mechanism test discloses that digital technology positively affects DVAR through cost reduction effects and technology progress effects. Further investigation shows that market competition plays a positive role in moderating effects of digital technology on firms’ DVAR. Lastly, this study puts forward corresponding policy implications based on the conclusions.


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