Exploring the predictability of attention mechanism with LSTM Evidence from EU carbon futures prices
姓名: 段堃 Rui Wang 陈舜 Lei Ge
单位: 华中科技大学经济学院 西安航天推进试验技术研究所 西南财经大学金融学院
期刊: Research in International Business and Finance, 66: 102020, 2023
This paper forecasts the price dynamics of carbon futures in the form of return under the EU emission trading scheme by using an attention mechanism based long short-term memory (AttLSTM) neural network. Prediction of the carbon price dynamics exploits not only historical information of itself but also that of its key predictors, including the price dynamics in fossil energy and stock markets. We find that the attention mechanism can significantly improve the LSTM prediction for the carbon price dynamics. The superior predictability of AttLSTM is examined by its lower MSE, MAE, and RMSE values in the out-of-sample forecasting against a standard LSTM prediction both in various parameter settings and tuning experiments, respectively. This is further demonstrated by the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Diebold Marian test. Our results reveal strong predictive performance of the AttLSTM for the carbon futures price dynamics, and corresponding implications should be of interest to various stakeholders.
链接:Exploring the predictability of attention mechanism with LSTM: Evidence from EU carbon futures prices - ScienceDirect