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发布日期:2024-03-19 16:01:54   来源:华中科技大学经济学院    字体:  

主讲嘉宾:吴华丽 经济学助理教授


主讲题目:Could the way in which they speak determine how well boys and girls count? Assessing the relationship between math skills and language structure

时 间:2024年3月25日(周一)上午10:00

地 点:经济学院402会议室

论文摘要:Performance differences in mathematics between boys and girls early in life impact both educational and occupational choices with long lasting repercussions for an individual’s life-time outcomes. This paper uses the epidemiological approach to study the causal impact of grammatical gender on the math scores of boys and girls in second-generation immigrant households. We show that girls speaking a gendered language in the home have significantly worse math scores, even after controlling for parental education, employment, and occupation as well as a very stringent set of fixed effects. We find that performance differences across genders are due to declining extrinsic motivation, math self-efficacy, and formal time spent studying math in public schools, not gaps in intrinsic interest levels in mathematics or beliefs about own ability. By studying switchers and non-switchers, we find that language affects math performance mainly through the language acquisition rather than as a cultural marker.

嘉宾简介:吴华丽博士,山西财经大学经济学助理教授。江苏南通人,本科毕业于南京农业大学金融系,硕士毕业于复旦大学世界经济系,2023年于法国埃塞克高等商学院(ESSEC Business School)和塞吉巴黎大学(CY Cergy Paris Université)获得经济学博士学位和工商管理博士学位。她主要关注性别不平等的形成和社会影响,研究涉及中国婚姻制度、语言语法结构、宗族文化和早期人力资本形成。她的合作论文“At the intersection of ableism and sexism: conceptual and empirical applications”即将发表在Journal of Business Ethics。

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