讲座题目: Online Relational Contract and Offline Investment
主讲嘉宾:陆卓然 助理教授 (复旦大学)
内容提要:Online sellers often face the holdup problem that the platform can create knockoff products to compete against them, and thus, have lower incentives to invest in product innovation. In contrast to the existing literature, this paper explores the possibility of using informal and long-term governance structure to solve such conflicts. In particular, we consider relational contracts between platforms and sellers. We show that the enforceability and efficiency of the relational contract depends critically on the seller’s outside option, product depreciation and market structure. Specifically, the seller’s outside option has discontinuous and non-monotonic effects on the efficiency of relational contract, suggesting that higher outside option such as higher offline market value may not benefit sellers. Moreover, the sustainability of relational contract is generally nonincreasing in the product depreciation factor, with the exception that an increase in the factor may discretely increase the contract sustainability by delaying the transition to the fallback. Finally, an increase in market competition can reduce the sustainability of relational contract since it makes the fallback relatively attractive. Our paper thus sheds light on the potential advantage of informal platform governance and has meaningful implications for platform economy.