讲座题目:Happy Times:Measuring Happiness Using Response Times
内容提要:Surveys that measure subjective states like happiness or preferences often generatediscrete ordinal data. Ordered response models, which are commonly used to analyzesuch data, suffer from a fundamental identification problem. Their conclusions dependon unjustified assumptions about the distribution of a latent variable. In this paper,we propose using survey response times to solve that problem. Response times containinformation about the distribution of the latent variable even among subjects who givethe same survey response, through a chronometric effect. Using an online survey, wetest and verify the existence of the chronometric effect. We then provide theoreticalconditions under which group differences in happiness or other variables are detectablebased on response time data without making distributional assumptions. In our survey,we find evidence supporting the assumptions of traditional ordered response models forsome common survey questions but not for others.
刘烁,北京大学光华管理学院应用经济学系助理教授。2019年毕业于瑞士苏黎世大学经济系,获经济学博士学位。目前主要研究领域为产业与组织经济学,博弈论,以及机制设计理论。研究成果发表或即将发表于国内外知名学术期刊,如Theoretical Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Economic Journal, RAND Journal of Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, European Economic Review, Economic Theory,《经济学》(季刊)等。